
Showing posts from May, 2016

Love~a Great Power

Love is a very beautiful word gifted by God to all human beings.But,its whole power is still unexplored.When humans grown up from childhood & faces world,then they  need to understand more about power of love.  Power of Love is a proven fact which can't be ignored by human beings ,specially when they are suffering from Darkness around them.Darkness is a word which looks very scary,unusual & peoples don't want to feel this word in their entire life.In this blog i'm just trying to shift focus from this so called darkness towards light of hope.Hope either comes from finding it in own thought process or another way is to discover power of love within the soul of an individual.Sometimes,darkness plays with the mindset of the suffered person & it starts killing positive energy.In such difficult situation that person does not understand, that this darkness can be removed easily by using Power of Love,which already exists in the heart & soul of every human being...

Happy Sunday #रविवार

Its Sunday!!Day of Joy & Happiness!Everyone is waiting for this amazing day of the week.Why this day is so important for all of us among all 7days of the week?In our life each day is equally valuable, whether its sunday or any other day.But,sometime you need a break from your day to day busy schedule & sunday is the only day which is acceptable worldwide as a weekend Holiday!Now,i'm coming more close to the topic.Holidays are very important for human beings to maintain their Work-Life Balance as well as for their personal life,family,recreation,social,religious needs,etc.So many tasks,hobbies,responsibilities of life peoples trying to fulfill on last day of week.In some part of globe sunday is 1st day of the week. Sunday is having religious importance also.In hindu culture it is celebrated as “Ravivaar”,it is an important day for Worship of Sun.In Jain Community it is important day for 23rd Tirthankar Shree Parshwanathji's Worship.Each community celebrate this day wit...

जलसंकट - Jalsankat

देशव्यापी जलसंकट,घटती हरियाली और बढ़ता कांक्रिट जंगल ये तीनो विषय बेहद ही चिन्ताजनक है।हाल ही में जो आंकड़े पुरे देश के सामने आये हैं,वो देखकर भी अगर समस्त देशवासियो की नींद न खुले ,तो समझ लीजिये की हम अपने लिए स्वयं ही मुश्किल समय तैयार कर रहे हैं।कुछ आंकड़ो के मुताबिक आज लगभग 33करोड़ देशवासी जलसंकट से लड़ रहे हैं,पीड़ित हैं।कही सुखा पड़ा है। अब वास्तव में जलसंग्रहण,जल बचत,जल दुरूपयोग या जल की बर्बादी पर इमरजेंसी मानकर ठोस और छोटे छोटे कदम उठाने होंगे।राष्ट्रीय और राजकीय सरकार ,म्युनिसिपल कॉरपोरेशन और देश की जनता दोनों को ईमानदारी से साथ मिलकर संयुक्त अभियान चलाना होगा,ताकि आनेवाले वक़्त में जलसंकट से सही तरह से निबट सकें।पहले तो जितनी भी नदियां,नहरे,तालाब और भी अन्य जितने भी प्राकृतिक,अप्राकृतिक जलस्तोत्र हैं ,और भी जितने छोटे बड़े जलस्त्रोत्र हैँ, उनके सदुपयोग, सफाई,सुरक्षा,जलग्रहण क्षमता पर ईमानदारी से ध्यान देना होगा।हरियाली बढ़ाने और सरंक्षित करना अत्यंत आवश्यक है।वाटर रिचार्जिंग भी जरूरी है,सार्वजानिक और निजी दोनों जगहों पर। हरियाली को बचाना बेहद जरूरी है।

Love makes human life measurable....

Love is greatest gift of God to mankind. God empowered all human beings as well as nature with his blessings in the form of Love. Here, in this blog I'm  just trying to share some facts about love & its positive impact on individuals, families, societies, countries & the whole world. Love started 1st in the form of Mother Nature, which is serving all of us without expectation, since the beginning of Life on earth. Its a different matter that, human beings most of the times misusing Nature's Love for their profits only. When Love Feelings are pure & intention is not to hurt, but to make somebody very strong in any adverse conditions of Life then it called true Love without expectation of getting same feelings back. Humanity faced so many challenges, since beginning of civilization in human life. But, its a fact that with feeling of Love they started living in families, these set of families reformed societies, then journey started from societies to vi...

Mother's Day

This mother's day my this blog is dedicated to all those mothers ,who are really amazing moms.Being as mother lots of responsibilities are there.In day to day busy life for a women, its a big challenge to manage all family & social relations as well as  her responsibilities towards children, husband & other close family members at the same time.In case of working women, challenges may be of different kind.Surprisingly ,they are managing these challenges happily in their entire life, along with full devotion to their duties taken by them for family,home,etc. Hats off to all Super Moms of the world, who are not even working like a best Home Manager, but moreover they are like a super women. I personally witnessed so many live examples of Super Moms around me .They wake up early in morning before all family members ,prepare breakfast,devote time for worship,prepare lunch,manage official working, manage day to day family tasks ,if needed they travel also.Also, i never seen th...