Happy Sunday #रविवार

Its Sunday!!Day of Joy & Happiness!Everyone is waiting for this amazing day of the week.Why this day is so important for all of us among all 7days of the week?In our life each day is equally valuable, whether its sunday or any other day.But,sometime you need a break from your day to day busy schedule & sunday is the only day which is acceptable worldwide as a weekend Holiday!Now,i'm coming more close to the topic.Holidays are very important for human beings to maintain their Work-Life Balance as well as for their personal life,family,recreation,social,religious needs,etc.So many tasks,hobbies,responsibilities of life peoples trying to fulfill on last day of week.In some part of globe sunday is 1st day of the week. Sunday is having religious importance also.In hindu culture it is celebrated as “Ravivaar”,it is an important day for Worship of Sun.In Jain Community it is important day for 23rd Tirthankar Shree Parshwanathji's Worship.Each community celebrate this day with equal importance.This day is a great source of Happiness for all of us.We can also call sunday as funday or rest day.

(Below information source~
Sunday is a day of rest in most Western countries, as a part of the weekend. For most Christians, Sunday is observed as a day of worship and rest, holding it as the Lord's Day and the day of Christ's resurrection. In some Muslim countries and Israel, Sunday is the first work day of the week. According to the Hebrew calendars and traditional Christian calendars, Sunday is the first day of the week, and according to theInternational Organization for StandardizationISO 8601 Sunday is the seventh and last day of the week. Britishers are the first who started Sunday from 1843 as a holiday.
Happy Sunday!


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